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Extending your brand into far reaching corners of the global.

Extending your brand into far reaching corners of the global, domestic – or even local – marketplace is an interesting game. You create a brand identity, then go into market using tried-and true traditional methods, like advertising, and begin making impressions. Nowadays you’ll likely employ a host of social media tactics too—possibly blazing a viral marketing trail the reaches “gangnam style” proportions with record numbers of eyeballs and ears gravitating your way.

When that happens, you may sigh with relief – but don’t hold your breath. How do you continue to grow that awareness among a larger audience, on a sustainable level? Face(book) it: marketing budgets aren’t roaring back with a vengeance this year. So how do you scale to a mass audience when your marketing team is strapped and your budget is more in line with Soccer Mom dinners instead than Super Bowl Sunday ads?

In one word: PARTNERS.

Technology companies that work with their network of reselling, service, consulting and implementation partners to extend their brand awareness have much to gain—and little, if anything, to lose. Co-branding with a trusted partner can extend your reach exponentially, and can be relatively easy to do.

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