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The Colors Of Global Brand Identities

By evad in Articles, News, Trends


Today, more than ever, companies need to separate themselves from others that share the same crowded marketplaces, and it is being done with branding and creating a unique and easily recognizable visual identity. The visual identity of a business can be one of its most valuable intangible assets, and part of that visual identity is color.

Referring to Business Week\’s \’Best Global Brands 2007\’ (link to PDF) report, which ranks "brands which place high importance on managing the economic value of their intangible assets, and primary their brands, consistently out preform basic economic measures," we selected what may be the most easily identifiable logos in the corporate world today, then stripped them of every line and gradient to pullout just the color palettes. See if they are just as strong without the logo itself.

\"Google\" \"ebay\"

\"Pizza \"Nintendo\"

\"Coca-Cola\" \"Shell\"

\"Kodak\" \"McDonalds\"

\"BP\" \"Ikea\"

\"UPS\" \"Amazon\" \"Caterpillar\" \"Reuters\"

\"ING\" \"Harley \"Porsche\" \"KFC\" \"LG\" \"Smirnoff\" \"Kraft\" \"Cisco\" \"Pepsi\" \"GE\" \"VW\" \"HP\" \"Starbucks\" \"Dell\"

Header Image from Business Week: Best Global Brands 2007\’ report.

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