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Learn to Speak Dog – New additions to Purina’s Microsite For Valentines Day

Here’s a cute addition to the Canadian Purina website that lets you learn how to “speak dog.” It reminds me of the subservient ___insert any of the chicken knock-offs here__ sites, but only this time using a well-trained dog as it’s victim. The site also gives you the ability to send a Valentines Day card to your loved one using the newly learned dog language (and yes there is a cat version of the site too, although at the time of this posting there isn’t a “learn to speak like a cat” nor a feline version of the Valentine’s Day card. I’m sure those will be up within the week though).

The site was designed by Lowe Roche, Toronto for Purina, and features the Dog Communication Tool as well as the Send a Valentine in Dog as part of the brand’s new Valentine’s day campaign push. The Valentine’s Day card portion is said to go down following this Friday (In case that somehow throws you off though, remember that Valentine’s Day is on Thursday this year….. and I don’t think this would serve as a proper “sorry honey that I missed Valentine’s Day” grovel) so if you have any interest in checking it out, i’d suggest you do it soon.

As for the speak dog section, type in “bad” or “sexy” and see what happens….

Link courtesy of Shannon from

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